>B< Press gets services going without delay at the new Hackesches Quartier

Hackesches Quartier is a 43,000m² area for retail, restaurants, offices and apartments

>B< Press
Hackesches Quartier
Berlin, Germany
Winfried Frohberg
Contact us


Designed to revitalise the wasteland south of the railway, Hackesches Quartier provides urban space with buildings to match the scale of the historic Hackescher Markt.


Work was carried out by Winfried Frohberg who used Conex Bänninger >B< Press Copper and gunmetal tee products ranging from 15mm – 54mm applications.

Conex Bänninger >B< Press is quick and easy to use, minimising time on site. Its built-in pressing indicator identifies any unpressed joints but provides a secure 3-point joint when pressed, making it a good choice in extensive, large building installations.

For further information on Conex Bänninger and their range of commercial solutions, please go to conexbanninger.com.

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