Raising awareness for refrigeration in the modern world
Conex Bänninger are delighted to be part of World Refrigeration Day as an official partner.
World Refrigeration Day is an international awareness campaign focussing on the wider industry and the role refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump technologies play in helping to support modern life and society today.
The air conditioning, refrigeration and the heat pump sector provide millions of people with solutions to keep everyone safe and comfortable in today’s society. Vaccines can be delivered worldwide to provide healthcare where needed, heat pumps ensure people are kept warm and surgeons can operate comfortably in air-conditioned hospitals. All these things make modern day life easier for all.
This year World Refrigeration Day focuses on inspiring any young professionals and students, worldwide, to take part in this movement towards a better future. The theme of the campaign will be focussed around “Cooling Champions: Cool Careers for a Better World.” Supporting campaigns like this is imperative to the future of the industry in educating the next generation of practitioners. The industry benefits from a wide knowledgebase of dedicated professionals who design, build, maintain, and regulate products and we at Conex Bänninger are also armed with the expertise to make a change in leading the industry and the people within it, forward.
To find out more about World Refrigeration Day, click here.
Do you want to take part on social media? Look out for following hashtag and account: @worldrefday #WorldRefrigerationDay
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17 May 2023