



Conex Bänninger’s range of brazed fittings are manufactured primarily in high quality copper and copper alloys, with K65® being a specially developed, and particularly strong alloy for use with high pressure refrigerants. The ranges cover many different applications, with some fittings having been specially developed for the air conditioning and refrigeration sector, in particular, K65® and medical gas fittings. 


>B< ACR >B< ACR End feed capillary fittings specifically designed to suit the ACR market
Delbraze Delbraze A range of copper capillary braze fittings for multiple applications
Delcop End Feed Delcop End Feed A braze fitting suitable for multiple applications
K65 K65 A high mechanical strength ACR fitting up to 130 bar
Medical Gas Medical Gas Copper capillary fittings for hygiene critical industries
Triflow Solder Ring Triflow Solder Ring A mechanically strong fitting with an integral solder ring